AWARDS Hier mal eine Liste der Web Awards, die ich für eingeheimst habe.
Die Awards habe ich natürlich zum grössten Teil deshalb bekommen, weil die Homepage so umfangreich ist, wie keine andere deutschsprache SF Modellbau - Seite. Ich habe die Awards in Eurem Namen angenommen, denn ohne Eure enthusiastische Mithilfe an dieser Seite wäre niemals so gross und bekannt geworden.
Also: Lautprecher an! Zurücklehen! Und Awards begucken... !
Award bekommen!
Congratulations from all the staff at Art Space You have won the "World Web Award of Excellence" for originality, overall design and appearance, ease of navigation, and content. Keep up the good work. You have obviously worked very hard. Investing your time, and skills into making a great web site. Now let everybody know of your achievement by proudly displaying your award at your home, business, or office, for your clients, colleagues and friends to admire. I would like to take this time to personally congratulate you for having won the "World Web Award of Excellence", and to make sure that you have received the award image by email. Each day we receive hundreds of submissions for our web award. Approximately three out of every ten sites win our web award, so you are in a very small group or outstanding web designers. It is always refreshing to visit a site as well done as yours keep up the good work. |
Award bekommen!
Die Bewertungen für
deine Seite :
26 von 30 |
Die Bewertungen für deine Seite : Design : 7 von 10 Umfang : 8 von 10 Inhalt : 8 von 10 ------------ 23 von 30
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